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Summer Jewellery Care

June 1st, 2022

Summers are a time of fun in the sun with friends, family, and significant others. Fashion jewellery will beautifully accent your outfits during whatever adventures you embark on. The last thing you should have to worry about is damaging your luxurious pieces of jewellery while enjoying your vacation or weekends during summer. Our experts at Nash Jewellers have put together a guide for our wonderful Ontario community to help take care of your jewellery this summer.

Do Not Wear Jewellery to the Beach or Pool

Both chlorine in pools and saltwater in the ocean can have drastic consequences to your luxury jewellery by causing discolouration or damage. The harsh chemicals and abrasive salt water can erode finishes and dull gemstones or diamonds.

Rings and loose jewellery can easily get lost while swimming, so the safest bet is to take off these items before getting into the water. The sand at the beach can also scratch precious metals or softer gemstones. Take off your items and keep them in a small jewellery bag to put back on after your time in the water.

Jewellery Does Not Go Well with Sunscreen, Bug Spray, or Lotion

Summer trips to the beach or hikes through local nature trails are usually better enjoyed with sunscreen and bug spray. However, these helpful outdoor products can create a buildup on your jewellery that will make the items look dull. An at-home or professional cleaning will quickly return your items to their original brilliance.

To avoid constantly having to clean your items after summer activities, take off anything that will be at risk. Other products such as lotions and make-up can also create a film on your pieces that may affect their overall beauty.

Give Your Jewellery a Deep Cleaning

Routine at-home cleanings with mild soap and a soft rag will undo whatever daily layers of make-up, lotion, and grime may attach to your jewellery. Let the items soak in the warm water and soap to loosen whatever particles may be in the fine details of each design. Dry every piece carefully with a soft towel, ridding the piece of all moisture. After wearing an item for a day, wipe it off to ensure the body?s natural oils didn?t leave any residue. This will also remove any dirt or sand that ended up in the piece of jewellery. Periodic professional cleanings will keep it lustrous and beautiful.

Secure Jewellery When Not Worn

The summer months are mainly hot and sunny, and jewellery can tolerate these conditions for only short periods. Sunlight can cause gemstones? colours to fade, and certain metals will bend or warp with too much heat. When not wearing an item, it is best to get your items of luxury a reprieve in a cool, dark location.

Safes are popular choices for appropriately and securely storing expensive pieces of jewellery. Insurance will protect the monetary value of your items while you are traveling and while you are at home. If the worst happens, at least you know the stolen item can be replaced with less stress than having to pay entirely out of pocket right after a scary moment.

Find Summer Fashion Jewellery at Nash Jewellers

We hope we have helped guide you on how to take care of your summer jewellery best and look forward to assisting you with a new piece from our Nash Jewellers showroom. Our place within our London, Ontario community has been cemented with years of work and dedication to the highest standards.

We offer a range of jewellery services, including jewellery repair and appraisals. Visit our London, Ontario jewellery store for a fantastic experience with our helpful team who only want you to look and feel your best.